The Foolish Man
There was a poor man who lived at the edge of the town in a
house of old bricks, with poor fitting windows and a rusty steel roof. In
summer his house was very hot and in winter it was cold, when it rained the
roof leaked. The man thought he never seemed to have any luck, he had stopped
taking pride in his appearance, his hair was unkempt and his clothes ragged.
He had just enough land to grow food to feed himself. From time to time the man found work but one way or another the jobs finished and he never seemed to be further ahead, it seemed the more he worked the less he had to show for it. His
wife died after their first year of marriage and they didn't have children. And the man would like another wife he thought he had nothing to offer
prospective brides and so he lived alone.
One day the man resolved to go and find God and tell him of the
unfairness of his life and ask God to grant him a favor. So he set off into the
forest in search of God.
On his way he met an old grey wolf, so thin its ribs showed
clearly. The wolf growled and asked the man where he was going.
“I am going in search of God” said the man “ To tell him of
my trials and sufferings. “
“Well” said the wolf,
“ Since you are going to find God, when you see him will you please tell him
there is a wolf roaming in the forest who cannot find food and is hungry day
and night. As God created me please ask God to feed me.”
The man committed to tell God about the wolf and continued on
his journey.
Not long after the man met a pretty young woman collecting
small wild flowers in the forest.
“Where are you going” she asked the man.
“I am going in search of God to ask him to help me.”
“Then” said the young woman, “Please tell God there is a
pretty young woman, healthy and rich who is not happy. Please ask God to help
The man committed to tell God about her and continued on his
After some time the man came to a tree on a dry bank beneath
which was a flowing stream. The man sat in the shade of the tree to rest as he
had been travelling all morning.
The tree spoke to the man saying “Traveler where are you
“I am going in search of God” said the man “I am going to ask
him for help”
“Well” said the tree “ if you are going to ask God for help,
please ask him to help me also, please tell God there is a dried up tree on a
bank whose roots cannot reach the stream below and it is dry on the bank all
year round. Please ask God to send some
water so that I may become green again.
The man promised to tell God of the tree’s plight and
continued on his way.
Eventually the man found God manifesting in the form of an
elderly man with a long white beard sitting in the shade of a high rocky
“Lord” Said the man, “I have come in search of you.”
“You are welcome”, said God, “What can I do for you?”
The man said, “Life is not fair and I want you to be fair to
everyone, I work twice as hard as many I know
yet they are rich and live well and I am poor, lonely, often
hungry and unhappy.”
God though for a moment and then said, “Please go now and you
will be rich, I grant you luck, go find it and enjoy it”
“I have something else to tell you Lord” said the man, and he
told God of the troubles of the hungry wolf, the pretty young woman and the
dried up tree.
God promised he had help for them all and told the man what
he must do. The man thanked God and began his journey back, almost at a run to
begin his new life as a rich man.
On his way back he came to the tree.
“What is Gods message to me?” said the tree
“God told me that you have a pot of gold buried beneath your
roots and once it is dug out then your roots will become free and you will be
green again.”
“Wonderful” said the tree, “then you are just the man to dig
out the gold, you can keep it for yourself and then I will be green again.”
“No” said the man “I have no time now, I am in a hurry, God
has given me my luck and I must now go and find it so that I can have a happy
And the man rushed off and almost ran into the pretty young
woman who had been waiting for him.
“Sir what is God’s word for me? How will I ever be happy?”
“God told me that you must find a precious friend for
yourself and then you won’t be sad anymore and your life will be joyful and you
will be happy,” said the man
The young woman gazed openly and directly to deeply into the
man’s eyes and had he looked he would have seen her tender heart, “Please! Will
you be my precious friend?” asked the young woman with much feeling.
But the man averted his eyes “No, I have no time to be
your friend” said the man, “ God has given me my luck and I must go and find it
and enjoy it”. As he said these words the man was already leaving at a half-run
rushing off up the path.
The man had not gone far when the hungry wolf ran
toward him on the path.
“Traveller, does God have a message for me?” said the
The man told
the wolf that God had told him that the wolf would go hungry until he found a
foolish man. And when he found one he should eat him immediately and he would
be satisfied.
Then the wolf said “Where on earth am l likely to fine a man
as foolish as you?” and with that he ate the man and was satisfied.
(This is a retelling of
the story “The Foolish Man” by the famous Armenian poet and writer Hovhannes
Tumanyan 1869 -1923)
I have used
this story in a variety of forms in communities who are poor as well as with
staff working in those communities, to create a discussion about what as a
community we have now and what we think is missing.
Firstly of
course, is that we have the eyes to see, that there are people and opportunities
around us that we can work with to improve our condition.
If we are
waiting on Government, NGO’s., Head Office or others to change our luck, the
likelihood is that we will be missing those opportunities that can be grasped
in the present. This is obviously the basis of a “Strengths Based” approach or sometimes we
call it ‘Appreciative Inquiry’.
Several years ago, I was
in a remote area of Kenya and we were on our way back from meeting with some community
business councils that I had been mentoring for nearly five years. That day on
our way back we traveled through undulating scrub land, parched hard
rocky red volcanic earth, along tracks so narrow that the thorn bushes scratch
the paintwork of the land cruiser like high pitched nails on a backboard.
“Whats that?” I ask and
“Where?” asks one of the
“There on the hill”
“How many? “I ask
“Around a thousand, you
will see.. we are driving through very soon.”
And the road we are on
goes through the camp and on the side of the hill amongst the thorn bushes and
stunted trees of land so dry and hard it yields little and when the hard rain
falls this ground is as hard a clay pot and the water runs of in destructive
torrents that sweep away he the little top soil that may have been there to
leave just clean clay and rocks. The displaced people have been there nearly a
year and are living in make do tents that have UNDP tarpaulins as the cover,
some supported by arches that turn them into a dome, I guess they came with the
covers, and many others held up by branches and saplings so that there are no
standard looking dwellings and none much bigger than the space of a double bed.
There are no stores, no readily available water, no amenities, no gathering
place. There is nothing except the shared humanity and the proximity of other
little dwellings none stronger than a piece of cloth. There are hundreds of
these dwellings on this stony hillside.
“What work are we doing
here?” I ask
can’t do much right now, it is complicated, it is not in our annual plan and the
government resettled the IDP’s without having a proper agreement with the
owners of the land and now there is a dispute, and if we provide some services
we are likely to be upsetting the people of the area that we have been working
so hard to gain trust with over the last six years. “
I know
this is an area that has been very prone to tribal violence. I know this is not
simple and fraught with dangers, I know we have a thought through plan and that
this influx of unexpected arrivals is not part of it and if we change the plan
in a reactionary way we risk undoing so much of what we have gained. And
I know also that I know nothing. I know I look with western eyes and I am thinking
“no room at the Inn”.... again.
I often talk
about what I see as the three elements of action for change. There is “I” and
what I can do, there is “we” or “us” and what we can do together and there are
“others” such as key persons, institutions and/or NGOs who we can approach and
discuss mutual interests. The “I”, “we” and “other” dimensions align with the
dimensions of our worldviews: egocentric, socio-centric, and world-centric.
These dimensions relate as much to the way the staff of NGOs see the communities
they are working in as they do within communities themselves. In the story of
“The Foolish Man”, the poor man misses the opportunities around him not only
for wealth, but for love and happiness. It is easy for us to miss the point
that it is likely through our interactions with others and benefiting them as
well that we ourselves can find what we are looking for or what is promised to
us. It is also the case that if we don’t have a flexible mindset that our own
tight focus will also keep us from the opportunity to unlock the power and love
in others, just as the story’s foolish man demonstrates.
I have found that more likely than not, the best outcomes
appear in unexpected quarters and our role, as facilitators of change, is to be
mindful enough to notice them and by recognizing them to make them real in a
new way. We may have a focus on value chains or small business development however
we are wise not to overlook the pride of a man saying, “Before I began working
for my community based organization I was just a poor man, now I am helping
change lives, my life is meaningful and I am respected.” Or the group that
sends two representatives to local Government meetings to voice their community’s
need for roads and water who say, “Before we were part of our committee we
would never have dared to come to these meetings and speak for our community”.
And this mindfulness is also what the man in the story lacked. In his very
focused quest for results he ignored the wider picture and missed everything
that he had hoped to gain. This not only kept him in the “individual – I”
state, but it meant that others also could not fulfill their opportunities
through his agency. And predictably he died as a result, as often does the hope
in individuals and community groups or in our own staff. These issues of focus,
unfulfilled possibility and death relate just as much to well-meaning programs
as they relate to individuals. A program design can have a narrow view of success
and staff can sometimes be so focused on achieving the aim of the program that
they not only miss opportunities for transformation but do damage to others as
did the foolish man. Inflexibility or inert program designs or logframes can
also encourage a narrow focus or mean that we do not have a broad enough
perspective on what we measure as beneficial change.
I have found the I, We and They (or the Other) perspectives
very useful in focusing staff groups and communities on what can be done. It
also helps focus on the short medium and longer term nature of opportunities.
I always start off with “what can individuals do?” and then
move to the group. Only then do we discuss how individuals and or the group can
engage with “others”. Invariably if the group begins talking about its
collective neediness, what they think needs to be done, most actions tend to
end up as the responsibility of the “other”.
Another extension of how worldviews can fundamentally change
a situation, are the perspectives of first, second and third person. The
foolish man is stuck in the first person world view and his interactions with
the other players in the story don’t move him to include them. A second person
perspective would open up his view to consider me and you, the man and the
maiden, or the man and the tree, for example and what they can do together for
mutual benefit. A third person
perspective would be the “view from the balcony” where the man can potentially
see himself as part of a design and his place in a broader system and see how
he can potentially work differently as part of a bigger picture of potency and
There is always a wolf ready to pounce on the foolish. The
man had the opportunity to avoid the wolf with riches and a new wife and bring new
life to a tree and its sustainability for generations. Who knows he may even
have been able to feed the wolf.
God in this story has effectively told the man, that if he
doesn’t change his perspective the wolf will eat him, the man actually gives
the wolf this message himself. Thus it is really only a change in worldviews
that would allow the man, or individuals in a community to “keep the wolf from
the door.” Not to change is not a viable option as it makes us, as communities
or development professionals vulnerable to the hazards that are always present.
Often the place of God and divine intervention comes up and
my response is to acknowledge God as the fundamental giver and to say that what
he has indisputably given us at this time is ourselves, each other and
organizations and institutions we can share our interests and messages with.
Jock Noble November 2013,
Jock Noble is the Lead of World Visions Economic Development
Learning Hub for the Middle East and Eastern Europe. After a career of trying
to teach turtles to fly he finally got into the water and is learning to swim
with them.